Sunday, November 21, 2004

I am sitting in my office listening to the album "Gift of Love". For those of you who don't know it is a collection of translation of poems from Rumi who is a very well known Persian poet. I got the CD from my ex and my favorite track is 26. I love the CD.

It is amazing how a good cup of Latte with half of a rich cappuccino muffin can change one's mood. Sugar does help.

I don't know what Juge has done to my laptop last night (he loves lying on it. I guess it's warm). The wireless connection is gone and it tells me that the problem can not be repaired and I have to talk to the one who administrates my computer which I think would be Juge's butt in this case.

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Friday, November 19, 2004

Koozeh left for CA. I will be bored like a mushroom for 10 days!

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

I am the most distracted person ever!

P.S. Please forgive me for all these not so valuable posts. I have just been really busy with work and these are the times I take break.

I got this morning off and I think it has been the best thing I have done recently. I actually took last night off as well and talked to a new friend that I have found through my persian blog and to a very dear friend that I got to find two years ago when he was getting his MEng here. I was gonna go to SD to see him but seems impossible now. We might not agree on every issue we talk about but we are surely very good support for each other. It's good to have friends.

Juge doesn't like the smell of nail polish. If you don't want him to play with your fingers that's one way:)

Juge and I will miss aunti koozeh joon. She and the beloved boyfriend will be gone for 10 days. It's long. I am thinking of inviting all the ones who are around to my place for the thanksgiving day. The problem is that it seems such a huge cooking event and I _as you probably know_ have zero interest and skill in cooking. But I can help if somebody is willing to lead the process.

Sunday, November 14, 2004

You really don't have to read all this. I am in the library listening to music and reviewing my simulation class notes. At some point I lost track of what was going on in that class and now have to catch up. Why all persian musics are so sad? and every one is madly_and most of the time hopelessly(is that even a word?!)_ in love? I have to write the rest in my persian blog since I have so many thing in my mind that I *have to* put them out of my system to be able to work but I really can't talk about them (would be too much information) here so we will switch channels...Chao!

OK. I am back. We had a good talk. Here is the conclusion from the afternoon of Mexican food down town and coffee at Stella's. It is all about meeting the right person at the right time. Every word of that constraint is equally important or it is going to be a painful mess. I mean look around you and you will believe me.

P.S. It's a shame. Koozeh joon is cooking and I think I have to stay here all night tonight. Have to read this paper and then go to engineering library. Have some left over from lunch so shouldn't worry that much about dinner.

I am sitting at Koozeh's desk in 310 office and try my hardest to concentrate on the paper in front of me...not very lucky attempt. After a week of gloomy days it is so sunny and bright out there that you just want to run out and have a cup of warm coffee in the chilly weather of this beautiful day. Well, my friend Javier will take me out for lunch at 2. Should make sure that we go some out door place. Maybe the Mexican food down town?

How can I be so sad and happy at the same time? I *am* finding new weird things about myself.

Thursday, November 11, 2004

Juge has this game of “you hide and I will almost hunt you" . Today apparently he was playing it with Koozeh without her realizing it. The result was not good. He jumped towards her but landed right in the middle of her really hot bowl of barley soup. Poor thing! it happened really fast. The amazing thing is that he ran around the room really shocked from the hot soup which was all over his paws but no crying or anything. we checked him and he seemed to be more scared than anything else. He spent the next 30 minutes taking an extensive bath.

Palestinian leader Arafat dies at 75_CNN

Arafat's family had wanted him buried in Jerusalem, but the Israeli government forbade that..."Jerusalem is the city where Jewish kings are buried, and not Arab terrorists," Israeli Justice Minister Yosef Lapid said last week.[complete report]

I hope that Palestine, soon sees the peace that was his dream. I think of him as a leader who made mistakes. He was not a terrorist and certainy Israel's current governemnt is not eligible to call him so.

Tuesday, November 09, 2004 is now fast and smooth. I think they have changed the server. a couple of days a go that I wrote about it there were 34 pages. Now it is more than 140 pages of people's pictures. It is fun to see.

I am determined to sleep before midnight tonight. Life is still busy. I finished up the endless literature review and met with my advisor today. Now have to work on Thursday's presentation and Friday's HW which I realized is not a team thing. (Didn't bother to look at it before) I think I will be at Stella's drinking coffee, eating bar Nachos and doing my Spanish homeworks on Friday. I will see my tutor on Saturday 2PM. Has any body seen the movie "The motorcycle diaries"? I am thinking to go and watch a good movie this weekend. Any suggestions?Also need to get a few books from library. My friend Babak(feel lazy to give the link_Sorry!) has recommended to read them. I think reading is a part of any sucessful person's life and I want to make time for it+ it's fun and relaxing to read good books.

Monday, November 08, 2004

Same here, Unfortunately!

"I don't know when was the last time an inappropriate thing happened to me!!!"

P.S. You really don't have to comment on this unless you want to share your sympathy or if you are in the same boat:P

Can I complain?

I am sitting in the library. Very comfy chairs indeed and for once it is not ridiculously cold. But here is the list of works I have to do:

There is this literature review about equity which seems endless. I have been reading since I don't remember when...I am making little progress. Told advisor that I will make a summary ready for today. As you might guess it is not ready yet so I am sitting in Uris library and I told myself that I will be here until I get it done. So I might be here for quite some time.

I have forgotten my laptop cord which is the most stupid mistake but this is because I woke up late and stormed out of the house very fast and then realized that Gannett appointment was at 9 not 10 am( it is CU health center).

The advisor is having this class that she basically makes us give lectures. I have had 3 so far and she is making us do one more...aaargh...I hate it. Seems pointless to me. And we have to design homework! I have to meet my team mate at most by tomorrow...She is probably already mad at me for disappearing from earth to library but I have to finish this research thing before I can start anything else.

I finally finished a homework which was due a century ago this weekend! But the problem is that it has been so over due that I feel ashamed to submit it. I will leave it to you to guess which class it belongs to.

And finally there is this simulation class that I have to do a reading assignment and a HW due on Friday but has to be done with the project team. Although I didn't do a great job in the prelim this has been the least of my worries this semester. I will end up with an A in that class for sure.

Oh, and just to make sure that I have absolute zero time left I have got this Spanish tutor which I have to do tones of work for+ being poor cause I had to cut off my eating cost to be able to pay for it...bye bye luxury ten dollar burger at Stella's...Hello Chinese food. If you want to charity some lunch or dinner I know a poor graduate student who would be very happy:)

Anything else? Oh, I need to go t gym...

OK, if you have read all this I owe you thanks. I feel better and can go to work now. Thanks for listening.

This made me feel a bit better. Those of you who are American might want to send a picture. I might send one if I can think of a cool sentence. The site is a bit slow but be patient. It's worth it.

Sunday, November 07, 2004

Love and hatred

I love dark chocolate.
I hate typing math formulas in MS Word when I don't have Math type

Saturday, November 06, 2004

Spanish lessons

Yo estudio Espanol muy bien...How is that? I am getting Spanish lessons since last Saturday, twice a week. The first sentence I learned is: Mi mama me mima mucho(My mother spoils me a lot_ too many m in one sentence!) which is not true in general. I am proud to report that I have learned to conjugate present tense of the regular verbes that end with ar, er, or ir:) My favorit verb so far is bailar which means to dance. Ok, have to go back to memorizing verbs.

Thursday, November 04, 2004

This is the time

If you want to make a difference in Iraq, this is the time. River bend is a young woman writing from Iraq. I have been a reader for a while now. They are collecting money for some NGO's in Iraq. Please take time and visit her blog. I am sure most of you know that even a dollar makes a difference in those parts of the world. Donate one meal's drink. Forget about the election. forget about what could have happened. Think about what you actually can do. Thanks!

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

God! Bless America ...But please don't forget the rest of the world.

I am so angry at those who have elected Bush for 4 more years. I mean, is that what you want? to be hated around the world? with an economy falling apart? and your troops fighting for oil? and a president so religious that is actually endangering the separation of church and state? Can anyone believe any more that what happens in Iraq's prisons does not represent your values? How could you do this to yourself and the rest of the world?