Thursday, November 11, 2004

Juge has this game of “you hide and I will almost hunt you" . Today apparently he was playing it with Koozeh without her realizing it. The result was not good. He jumped towards her but landed right in the middle of her really hot bowl of barley soup. Poor thing! it happened really fast. The amazing thing is that he ran around the room really shocked from the hot soup which was all over his paws but no crying or anything. we checked him and he seemed to be more scared than anything else. He spent the next 30 minutes taking an extensive bath.


At 11:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awww, poor Juge! He was just trying to play with Koozeh, but he learned a painful lesson instead. I'm glad that he was not really hurt. My cat used to play similar games. He would hide under a table or chair and when I walked by he would jump out and paw me on the ankle. Then I would turn around and pretend to chase him and he would run and hide again. I miss my kitty. :(

Pantea joon, did you actually give Juge a bath or did he clean himself up?


At 11:55 PM, Blogger Anar said...

He cleaned himself up. He hates water. I actually use a spray to punish him when he jumpes on the coffee table or pulls out all the soil from the plant's pot. Your game with your kitty sounds like a lot of fun. You should get a new kitty.

At 8:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Poor Juge!!!
Hugs for him and his distressed owner and to the owner of lost barley soup :)

At 1:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pantea joon,

I would like to thank you for trying to encourage me. I do appreciate that very much. However, please let me ask you a question. If someone suddenly took Juge away from you and wouldn't let you see him, would you be able to cure your unhappiness by simply going out and getting another kitty? My kitty was like my child. I know him well and love him. He knows me and loves me, too. I have so many memories of him. It is hard to let them go.

My cat hates water too. When he was young, I used to keep a spray bottle of water handy for when he was naughty, also. :)


At 1:06 PM, Blogger Anar said...


I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. I am sorry if I said something that you didn't like to hear. Of course every pet has its special place. Nothing will change it.


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