Saturday, November 06, 2004

Spanish lessons

Yo estudio Espanol muy bien...How is that? I am getting Spanish lessons since last Saturday, twice a week. The first sentence I learned is: Mi mama me mima mucho(My mother spoils me a lot_ too many m in one sentence!) which is not true in general. I am proud to report that I have learned to conjugate present tense of the regular verbes that end with ar, er, or ir:) My favorit verb so far is bailar which means to dance. Ok, have to go back to memorizing verbs.


At 8:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think that you are enjoying your Spanish lessons, Pantea. :) How does a man ask a woman to dance in Spanish?

At 10:58 PM, Blogger Anar said...

Hmm, I don't know! good incentive for next session...I am actually enjoying it. it was a long time since I had to memorize is funny how I have to remeber my old tricks for memorizing the verbs...and he thought me numbers today...I felt like being beck to the first grade of elementary school:)

At 1:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am an absent minded commenter. I need to get a blogger profile, maybe even my own blog. Then maybe I wont have to remember to sign my name. :) Maybe you knew that the first comment was from me? I learned Spanish numbers in Elementary School. I think that I can still count to ten. Lets see: Uno, Dos, Tres, Quattro, Cinco, Sase, Siete, Ocho, Nuave, Dies. Did I get them right? :)


P.S. I am still thinking about a blog, Pantea. I guess that I have been either lazy or busy with other things.

At 4:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've visited your sister's blog many times although I've never left a comment, but had no idea you also have a blog. I can see you are enjoying your Spanish classes. By the way, why Spanish? New boyfriend?
Answering the question about how to ask a woman or a man to dance, I would say "quieres bailar?".

At 10:35 PM, Blogger Anar said...


You should have your own blog. Think of it this way...we need it for the next election:)

At 10:42 PM, Blogger Anar said...


This is a pleasant surprise. I had no idea you read blogs. Well, believe it or not almost all my friends had the same question about my Spanish learning. The truth is that I just want to have more options for applying international jobs and a lot of people told me that Spanish is easy to learn.

At 10:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am not a fanatic bolg reader but I like to read some blogs once in a while. I will keep checking your blog regularly from now on.
There is no doubt in my mind that Spanish is an important language if you are thinking about an international career. I think you are in the right track. Keep me posted about your Spanish learnings.
Talk to you later.
"Tengo que trabajar ahora en mi tese." (My Spanish is not very good! I know I make lots of mistakes.)



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