This is me...the image of my world in my accurate is it? What's your measure?
Sunday, October 31, 2004
Tuesday, October 26, 2004
ملالی نيست جز گم شدن گاه به گاه خيالی دور/ که مردم به آن شادمانی بی سبب می گويند
There is no worry except losing a dream/which people call it being happy for no reason
Those who know Farsi, do you have suggestions for this translation? I found this line very nice. I think it describes the adult life once you lose connection with your inner child. Some thing that happens easily if you don't be careful.
My life
I used to update here more often but I think school work is keeping me busy. Here are the thoughts. I Think I have something for guys with some white hair. You know as much that they are not old but they look mature. Usually guys in their early 30's look like that. I saw couple of guys like that in the last couple of days which seemed very attractive to me. I am finding new weird aspects of my personality. Or may be it is not ex was 34 after all.
OK, enough girlish stuff. I have found new horizons in my career plans. I am thinking of UNDP and World Bank. They both have really cool programs in leadership development and they have jobs that need a lot of traveling+ you would feel that you make a difference because they are in development field. The obstacle is that for the UN jobs I have to know at least one more language just to be qualified to apply. Both are very very competitive jobs and both need work experience. I might end up working in some developing country for two years before entering the program which is fine with me now if it is type of a job I like. I also need to start doing some volunteer jobs applying my knowledge....something I always wanted to do anyway. I have to set up my resume to apply for on line volunteer jobs....and on top of all these I do have research and course work. But I am actually enjoying school a lot since I now have some idea of what I want to do after graduation. I have to do a lot more research but I wanted a job that helps me make a difference and I get to meet other cultures and I know that if I train my potentials I can be a good leader. I love being a leader in a meaningful program like the ones I mentioned.
At school I feel I have the desire to know more economics. I think getting two courses in economics and just passing them while being depressed is not what I meant by getting a minor in economics. I have to understand economics. I have to be able to talk about it. To me, economics is the art of civilization. It is some thing that wouldn't exist if man kind didn't create civilization. We are its creators and it is amazing how a simple rule can make a huge difference. So I am thinking of a solution for this.
Any thoughts?
Sunday, October 24, 2004
He said:" You (Iranians) dance very sensual. As a Latin American I am used to sensual dancing but this is totally a new level. It is so nice"...This is funny. I think all my non-Iranian friends think the same the first time they see us dancing. They might not find it nice but it is different. Iranian dance, (especially for women) is actually very soft and sexy. I never realized how different it is until I came here. I mean back home all the guys around us are used to the same dance and all women dance in that way so you really don't think how different it is to turn and move your body like that while a guy's arm is open around you. Kind of embracing your moves...
Wednesday, October 20, 2004
Wednesday, October 13, 2004
Tuesday, October 12, 2004
Can you hear me?
Well, Can you do me a favor and leave me a comment so that I can check if users with no blogger account can post comments?
I got rid of the old template cause it was kinda silly about numbers and signs and I was too lazy to fix it.
Friday, October 08, 2004
I made my mind. Will not take my credit cards to NYC and will not cash the check from uncle. Have horribly lost the track of my money.
I am putting Juge with the girl next door until Monday that we come back. She loves him. But I am already missing him.
I feel that I am getting old. All the guys around me are 23~24.
School is going fine. Research is slow but I have started which I think is the most important step. I read somewhere that the best way to do good research is actually start doing it instead of trying to learn everything inadvance.
Seems that I have *just *passed my courses last year. Perfectly remember my stuff from the first semester, almost as good from the second semester...but am wandering who passed the courses last two seems that she is gone casuse I don't remember anything! Has happened before. I just have to sit down and review the material.
We watched shark tale tonight. It was funny. There was also an ad about this cartoon movie...I think the story was in a zoo. It seemed really funny. I will make sure to watch it.
I know this post sounds sad. I am just angry after checking my credit card balance and finding out that the guy I had an eye on is actually 24! I will be better tomorrow, hopefully!