This is me...the image of my world in my accurate is it? What's your measure?
Wednesday, August 25, 2004
Monday, August 23, 2004
Just moved to a new office in 4th floor. Apart from the quietness of the office and having my own cubicle to be more focused there is one important advantage to this office...There is a ladies' room at the same floor. Now that's convenience.
P.S. To update you with my fiscal status..still no money on the sight:)
Tuesday, August 17, 2004
Have you ever had one of those periods that you constantly run out of money? I am in one of those phases and I am telling you, it's not a pleasant feeling at all. So, if you want to do some charity work I know a poor graduate student with absolute no money and I can assure you that every penny would make a huge difference now:)
Sunday, August 08, 2004
This is a response to this post. It was too long so I put it here.
Asemoon aziz,
This is a very interesting subject. If I want to summarize my answer I would tell you that the God centered religions (Islam, Christianity, and Judism) are based on fear from God. Everything is based on a reward-punishment base and thus no moral value actually gets internalized. There is this quote from one of Imams (1st one) that is truly descriptive of people who practice these religions. He says (meaning wise)
There are three types of people praying God; first there are the ones who pray because they are afraid of Hell. Their prayers are prayers of slaves. The second group prays to get the heaven. They are merchants. The last group is the one who pray just for their own peace and these are who are gifted with freedom.
Personally I have seen so many non religious people who are from the last group and not a single religious person who is from them. The question is that if you do need a religion in the first place. What purpose religion serves you? I personally think that I am not a Muslim and I don't believe in having a religion at all. Human beings share certain common moral values regardless of their religion, race, country or anything that we might think of. It is this common sense of morality that gives legitimacy to any religion or any other moral ideology. Confining your brain to any religion, in my opinion, is a betrayal to your wisdom as human being. Why would you want to confine yourself when you can actually listen to everyone and pick the best and actually change it and improve it as you grow up?
What I think is that as one grows up he or she has to go through all the values that are internalized in childhood and analyze them. One should ask self if this value actually serves any purpose or am I keeping it just because it’s a cliché that everyone is doing or maybe I am just afraid to throw it out although it doesn't really make sense.
specifically for drinking I would like to borrow a word from Paulo Coehlo(meaning wise): It's not what goes inside that matters. It's what comes out of your mouth that matters.
The bright side
Well, they say always look at the bright side. After a week I went to school to bring back my bike Tony. The weather was half cloudy with no prediction of rain. I had a nice Latte and a sandwich and decided to come home. I am sure you can guess the rest. As soon as Tony and I started the little trip a heavy rain started and I couldn't even see ahead of me very well. Of course it got all sunny and nice right when we got home. But one should always look at the bright side...Thank God I wasn't wearing any make up. Should go and take a warm shower now:)
Tuesday, August 03, 2004
I wish...
Do you want to know one of my biggest wishes? At least career wise? I want a job that gives me the opportunity to travel to distant places and see different cultures and people. If I have a job that has a reasonable earning and a lot of exciting travels I would definitely be more happy than having a job with higher payment for which I have to sit in a cubical all day and stare at my computer. The problem is that I am an engineer...A Civil engineer and I am getting a PhD in Transportation Systems. This basically means a lot of coding and optimization and mathematics. How can I travel with such specialty? I thought I might be able to join engineers without borders...But I am not sure if that would give me what I want...Do they hire engineers in UN? Any thoughts on this?