Wednesday, January 19, 2005

It is so *beep* cold in here!

Well, I couldn't sleep so I came to living room and it's like freezer in here. Checked the weather..-10F. All the windows are frozen from inside, I assume technically it means that my breath is frozen on the glass. I turned on the electric heater in my bedroom when I came home at 6PM , closed the door and left the house with Juge to koozeh's. At 12AM when I came back there was still ice on the bedroom window glasses. I don't know what to be afraid from more: the cold weather or the high electric bill. See how much fun we have in this villiage they call city of Ithaca?
I have concluded that cooking is like coding. It's painful but if you go through the misery something good *might* come out. Of course some people love cooking just like my friend lalunadiosa who loves coding. Not my type of fun.
OK, I am shivering. Have to go back to bed and try to sleep.


At 10:51 AM, Blogger Mo said...

Here we suffered from a windchill of -30 Celcius (-22 Farenheit). Pure Canadian!

At 7:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry for saying that but here the temperature is around 30C.

Dirceu from Rio

At 8:43 PM, Blogger David said...

Wow, that is really cold! Its been very cold in Indianapolis, too, but today was warmer. So, some warmer weather should be headed your way. I hope that it gets there soon! Often, windows are the source for significant loss of heat in the winter. If your house does not have storm windows (an extra window attached outside the regular one), you could go to a hardware store and get an inexpensive shrink wrap kit that you can temporarily apply to the inside of the window. All you need is a hair dryer to shrink the plastic tight around the window frame.

At 12:54 AM, Blogger Anar said...


What can I say? What is the coldest you get over there?

At 6:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I would say the coldest temperaure in Rio is around 10C, but you have to remember it´s summer down here!!! Unfortunately it rained a lot today and I ended up staying at home, but tomorrow I am planning to go to the beach :-).


At 6:30 PM, Blogger Anar said...

10?!!! I will move to Rio my friend. Who needs uncle Sam with such weather? I know it's summer...honestly as mean as I might sound I'm kinda happy that it rained. There is some justice in this world.


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