Saturday, January 22, 2005

Forugh Farrokhzad

Forugh Farrokhzad:
"Life is perhaps lighting up a cigarette
in the narcotic repose between two love-makings
or the absent gaze of a passerby
who takes off his hat to another passerby
with a meaningless smile and a good morning "

In a culture still so confused between traditions and modern values, Forugh was a woman of pushing the limits. What she speaks of and the way she talks about it is still intolerable for a lot of people in Iran. To me the most amazing is how she is in touch with her feminine side and how bravely she talks about it. Sin is breathtakingly true, simple and ...Well, you can just relate to it .

Mo has a post about her. I got the poets from the site he introduced. You can find about Forugh here. She is one the most famous women( if not the most famous one)in Iran's literature. You don't have to like here but you have to know her.

I would like to finish this post with a piece of poet that I always repeat to myself when I loose something or someone dear to my heart. I find it the true essence of life:

"Commit the memory to the flight
for the bird is mortal"


At 4:44 PM, Blogger Sima said...

I love Forough's "gonah kardam gonaahi pro ze lezzat..." She has always been an inspiring poet to me.

At 1:14 AM, Blogger Mo said...

Forough is a reason to be a "proud Iranian". Her contribution to modern Iran is more than just literature. She showed how talented women are, even in a chovinistic male-dominated society like Iran.

At 1:53 AM, Blogger David said...

Pantea, I read "The Sin". It is a very passionate poem! However, I don't understand why Forugh Farrokhzad writes of love making as a sin. Was it considered sinful in 1950's Iran for a woman to enjoy sex?

I read the timeline of her life. It is very sad that she died so young. She was a very talented and creative person!

It is a fact that many famous poets suffered from depression. The pain that they sometimes felt was captured and molded into things of beauty for everyone to experience and be touched by. One of the ironies of modern existance is that treatments for depression can help such poets to feel much better, however, they often take away from the poet the passionate creative spark that made their words so magical.

At 2:32 PM, Blogger Anar said...


I don't think love making itself was considered sin although even now a lot women are not aware that they are supposed to enjoy their sex life as much as their partners. What I understood was that the woman is actually doing a sin by sleeping with a man who is not her husband but she says it's a joyful sin. She enjoys it although she knows it's a sin.


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