Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Well, I used to be in an office with 4 more girls. We had a lot of fun talking and spending time together. But then I decided that I would be more productive(research wise of course!) in an office with cubicles...So I changed my office to this new one which I share with 3 other guys. I have been more productive indeed but there has been one side effect to this relocation. Nobody pays any attention to my appearance what so ever! I mean 2 of them are Chinese guys and both married(could it get any worse?) and the third one is my sister's boyfriend. Before, if I had entered my office without wearing a lipstick everyone would have noticed and definitely asked about it, same for non matching clothes, bad hair day, etc....Now I think I have to be head less for them to notice...Sigh..I think nothing is perfect after all.


At 12:17 AM, Blogger David said...

Pantea, maybe you should move back to the office with the girls. There is a lot to be said for fun and laughter. A few good laughs a day might even help motivate you to work harder. Btw, I heard that Koozeh and the Moon Goddess had some great fun in the office today! :) Seriously, why can't you spend some time everyday in the office with the girls and then take your research home when you need some quiet time? Do you need access to a special computer or something? Also, there is something to be said for having an excuse to look your best!

At 1:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Funny. Now I understand why Ali had to move to another office. You girls in Ho310 does not really work in there, right? :-)


At 2:07 PM, Blogger Anar said...


thanks for thinmking of me but I am fine where I am. I don't like working at home and I see my friends in the other office all the time. This way is better. I work when I have to and have fun when I want to.

At 3:47 AM, Blogger Alex said...

Why do girls want to be noticed so much?! I really don't get it, maybe it's because I never notice anything or any change in other people! Maybe this is the reason why I'm not very popular!! I guess when you notice other people they will notice you. hmmm...how come I never realized this?! I should start complementing girls everyday now. Perhaps that way they will think I'm sweet! :D

At 2:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pantea joon!!!!
You know you are welcome back in this office whenever you wish :)

At 9:50 AM, Blogger AcctEditor said...

I completely understand (obviously, the other ex-officemate :0)) but you made the right choice - just work upstairs and then come back for the chat and the compliments and criticisms hehe. 'cause We do want to graduate at some point SOON! We do miss you though...

And Ameer - you should definitely compliment girls. 'cause sometimes we change something about ourselves that "the guys" liked and never told us! plus, they will remember you (in the nicest way) always!


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