Wednesday, February 23, 2005

No matter how disastrous the whole world goes I would care the most about my own little problems. I think that's the nature of human being and one of the many secrets of our survival among all those gigantic cool creatures.
But one specification that I think will help us extinct some time soon is that we rarely appreciate what we've already achieved. I mean competition is good but if you constantly think of what you have to do and not look at the road that you have walked so far...well, first you won't enjoy life and also there is high probability of getting a heart attack. You will get old before you know it and you have never enjoyed your moments. That is not good and you will certainly regret it.
Anyway, I am telling all this to myself because I started to stress out. I am setting up my resume and trying to get to know people in the World Bank to get a summer internship there, do my research, loose weight, do some volunteer jobs, learn Arabic and keep my sanity by minimum socializing needed to remind me that I am alive not a robot!


At 10:59 PM, Blogger Gilda said...

I know eactly what you mean(seriously)! Many yrs ago I saw a piece of poetry with a beautiful picture besides it in an English class and though it was very long ago, I always remember it. It said:
"Happiness is found along the way, not at the end of the Road."
"The road to success is always under construction."
Aren't they great?
BTW, doing all of the things that you mentioned will definitely cause weight loss;) so don't stress over that too much. I recommend not drinking too much coffee, and drinking lots of water

At 2:30 AM, Blogger David said...

I know that you are not a robot, Pantea. :) Somebody famous said, "Life is what happens when we are making plans". It makes sense. People miss out on a lot simply because they are preoccupied with what they don't have instead of being happy about what they do have. Everyone needs to take some time and find enjoyment in life or get some perspective and realize that the things that they take for granted may actually be a source of real satisfaction. It sounds like you may be too busy to find much happiness right now, but that is ok, at least for a relatively short time. Still, you should try to take some time for yourself. Go skiing, visit friends, play with Juge, or whatever makes you happy!


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