Monday, July 12, 2004


Well, here is an update of my life:

1. I can ski now. Not very stylish but I can get off the water for a little while. I think going for water skiing was one of my best decisions ever. It has changed my whole perspective about going to gym. Now I work out to be strong to do my hobby. It's my tool and is way much more fun now. Rather than counting the calories I picture myself skiing. Will register for the Fall course as well and will start the snow skiing in the winter.

2. I moved. It took forever to settle down but I feel home finally. I hated the dorm room that I had. It was depressing and I gave up cleaning it while ago. The new place is huge. Should have a house warming party sometime soon. My latest discovery is that I am not used to having guests in my place and only buy grocery stuff only sufficient for myself. Consequently I am out of berries now! It's not that I didn't want to have my friends over but the places have been really small and I am not home most of the time anyway.

have to go to library now. I will try to catch up with the writing. Promise!


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