Saturday, June 05, 2004

I am in San Diego!:)

OK! I am in San Diego, CA taking some time off and enjoying my life. My time is basically is divided between shopping, movies and eating in Persian restaurants. Tomorrow I will be more cultural and visit the SD zoo. Want to see the Sea World as well. I saw the old town today but severe shoe bites almost nailed me to the car. The nature is beautiful, the weather is great and my host is one of my best friends. The trip was tough though. We had more than 3 hours of delay because they changed our plane 3 times in Chicago. Something with the hydraulic systems was wrong in the first plane and some other stuff that they didn’t really describe in the second one. It was frustrating but I prefer to know it on the ground rather than up there.

Hmm… any thing else? I wrote this while I was in Syracuse catching the flight to Chicago:
In Syracuse Airport

Well, here I am in the Syracuse airport with my roast beef sandwich and a medium diet coke waiting for the boarding time to start. Have you seen the movie Love Actually? Do you remember how it starts and finishes with saying that if you want to see love, airport is a place to go? Today I definitely agree with that. I watched guys dancing for the arriving girls, little kids screaming with joy for their grand parents and a very big and bald guy crying because his woman was leaving. But the best thing was seeing a little bird right in front of me in the middle of this food court. I have no idea where it came from but it was going around safe and sound looking for food and everyone was moving slowly and smiling to not scare it. It flew away after a while but as a person who believes in signs I think this is a very good sign. I think I will have a good time in San Diego with my friends.

I think my interpretation of the sign was correct. I have had a great time so far. Any suggestions for places to visit?


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