Sunday, July 03, 2005

The One Campaign

The One Campaign


At 1:13 AM, Blogger David said...

Hi Pantea,

The video link would not play, but I went to the "One" home page. Ameer linked to it also, so I had seen it once already. I hate to sound pessimistic, but I am rather skeptical of this One organization. From what I saw, they want people to buy wristbands and send Bush a message. I am sorry, but I honestly believe that no matter how many people send Bush a message, he will not change his behavior. He may well go to the G-8 meeting and offer some small concession that will help a few poor or sick Africans, but I don't believe that he really cares about the lives of his fellow human beings.

I think that one good way to help lift people out of poverty is to provide them with educational opportunities. This is especially important for women in developing countries. If a woman is able to delay marriage and childbirth until at least after she finishes High School, she will have less children. Lower population growth combined with education could be very beneficial. I recently saw a program about some poor African villagers that had been given dairy goats by some charity organization. The show centered on one woman and her family. The woman was able to sell the goats milk. With this money she was able to better feed her children and, best of all, she could afford to send one of her children, a very bright young daughter, to school. This smart young girl did very well in school and she got a scholarship to go to college in the U.S. One goat made her success possible!

At 12:37 PM, Blogger Anar said...

Hi David,

I agree with you about Bush. I am doing it just to make sure I am doing everything I can at this time. It might not be effective but I am not gonna blame myself for not signing the petition later.

You are very right about education and women. I totally agree.


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