Thursday, June 30, 2005

Once Upon a Time ...: Loneliness...

Once Upon a Time ...: Loneliness...

I left three long comments on this post. The feeling of loneliness is very common among the immigrants that I know. Most of you who read here are immigrants like her. I thought you might also want to share your experience with her. For those of you who are not immigrants but hang out with us, your opinion is of great value. What do you think keeps us distant and hard to socialize with? What would help to make the whole process more pleasant for everyone?

P.S. If you want to read my comments. Start from the third one, then first and second. For some reason I can't edit my comment so I had to delete the first part and add it again!


At 3:44 AM, Blogger David said...

I think that I will relate the experience of one of my good friends from college. He was from South Korea. I met him when he moved into my dorm across the hall from me. At first, he did not speak very good English, but I managed to understand him most of the time. He told me that almost all Korean students shared apartments with other Korean students. Also, they spent all their free time with other Korean students. Well, my friend was unusual for a Korean. He really liked to meet other people who were not Korean. He decided to move into my dorm for that reason. He wanted to expand his horizons. He was a very smart guy and I really enjoyed getting to know him. Also, I was happy to help him improve his English. Mainly, he needed some help to expand his vocabulary. Many times he would try to think of the right word to use. I would ask him to describe the meaning of the word and I would suggest the proper word to him. I knew him for several years and after that time he was speaking very good English. Thinking of my friend, I realize that I miss him!

I read your comments to Gabbeh. I think that you have similar thoughts as my Korean friend. He learned a lot of new things and made a lot of new friends by going outside of what he was familiar and comfortable with.

At 2:38 PM, Blogger Negar said...

Dear Pantea,
you just made me realize that what ever picture that i made from you by reading your blogs for a while, was very real, i think first of all i should congradualte you on being so successful at showing "the image of you world",...
i just read your comments and i am still too exited and touched by your comments and post than i can not write about it now! this is just to say thanks, i will write about it later though...


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