Wednesday, January 05, 2005

A new blog

Her posts are sometimes a bit too long and definitely not the best if you want to read something and just read it with no mind challenge. But if you want to get to know a knowledgeable young woman with Iranian descendant or a "secular Muslim woman" and a "feminist" as she describes herself and get some fuel for creative thoughts I would like to invite you to visit this blog.


At 6:40 PM, Blogger Sima said...

I am humbled. Thank you :-)

At 1:34 PM, Blogger David said...

Pantea, I liked Sima's blog and I left her a comment. Thanks for recommending her. :)

At 3:50 PM, Blogger Mo said...

"secular Muslim woman and a feminist"?! Only Harry Potter can create such a thing full of conflicts: Muslim+Secular+Feminist?

Here is a part of my idea previously posted in englishfarangopolis weblog:

It always, always surprises me when I see a "Muslim Feminist Girl". How can you accept your husband is allowed to have multiple wives, how can you accept compensation (DI-YE) for women is half men, how can you accept stoning is the proper punishment for adultery, and yet be a secular or feminist? It's a dream who lots of people have, but in my humble opinion, it is not achievable.

At 4:24 PM, Blogger Sima said...

"They thought Voldermort had the right idea, they were all for the purification of the Wizarding race, getting rid of Muggle-borns and having purebloods in charge. They weren't alone either...." Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix.
I wish we all had a bit of the wisdom of Harry Potter. wouldn't the world be a much better place, Mo?

At 5:12 PM, Blogger Anar said...


Thanks for visiting my blog. I would like to clarify something. I think my views about necessity of religion are close to yours. But this is a fact that religion is and will be a factor in many people's lives. If there are things which should be changed it will be possible through the ones who believe in the religion itself. Islam, as you said, needs a lot of refinement. You and I can not do it since we don't believe in having religion but those who are feminist Muslims are the ones who will make Islam a better religion for Muslim women. Feminist Muslim might sound odd but to me it is a realistic term. A person who, for what ever reason thinks religion is important, and wants new interpretations to suit her modern needs and world. After all, it is good to remember that no one knows the real religion...all we know is our interpretations of Koran or other holy texts. I believe that in every era, what a religion is, is in fact the gathering of the interpretations of the expertise of the religion at the time. So instead of humiliating the whole concept together I will try to understand what they say and if I find one person who listens I will let them know why I think Islam is not practical now...

At 10:23 AM, Blogger Mo said...

Sima, I know Harry Pottr is full of wisdom. I like it. By my statement I mean there are characters in Harry Potter who does not exist, like gigantic dog with three heads, or unicorn, or a chess who plays by itself. I mean Muslin-Secular-Feminist is like believing in unicorn. No offence to Harry Potter, I like it, because as I told you, it is written by a HUMAN NOT GOD, and it is NOT HOLY, and if I like it, good for me, and if I hate it, good for me! there is no "TAKFIR" here. Hopefully I clear my viewpoint.

At 10:53 AM, Blogger Mo said...

Dear Pantea, (1) You are welcome. It is my pleasure. (2) I asked a few question explicitly in Sima's blog, and nobody answered directly. Instead people start asking questions and answering to them themselves. So here I repeat, I don't expect any answer: what about stoning the homosexuals? what about multiple-wives? what about physical torture like whipping? (3) Sima tried to answer philosophically. Alireza did not answer neither, he just added mor ambiguity, and Ahmadreza, my basiji-like fan, just barked and yapped and attacked. None of them answered to my questions about human right and religion conflicts. (4) I am not surprised by this reaction, and they are not alone. Look at history. Some people ruin a talent like Oscar Wilde because of "act of Sodomy", and others stand still, asking how can I say no to God? Nothing new! (5) Please don't try to answer. To me this conversation is over. I need my energy to focus on my research, something that makes life of human beings better without the help of God. I just tried to clarify my viewpoints.

At 12:12 PM, Blogger Mo said...

Sorry Pantea I am here again, I just forgot to add something. In your last sentence you wrote "instead of humiliating them". I never ever humiliate anybody in anyway. You can review my comments. If by humiliating you mean "goat-herd, dumb, deaf, blind" it wasn't me. I simply disagreed and tried to explain.

At 2:18 PM, Blogger Anar said...


You are right about all your examples and as a woman who is forced to be born in a Muslim country I can give you numorous exaples like are right. There are a lot of laws in Islam which are not correct. what I tried to say that Islam is like any other religion. It lacks the flexibility to adopt to the needs of the people of the era. But those who don't believe in having a religion, regardless of the religion itself, can not change/moderate these rules. Nobody will accept it. I mean the ones who follow the religion. That's why Islam needs some innovative people who believe the good sides are worth staying and fighting against the bad sides. You might want to read my comment in Sima's latest post as well.


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