Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Lord Almighty, I wrote you another post but you didn't allow me to publish it so here is the second one...No offense but I think you have miscalculated your schedule here. It is not even cold out there! I have a looong homework due on Friday and tons and tons of papers to read and I am so sick and weak that I had to take two days off, break my South Beach diet(Hope you have already read about it!) and drink as much tea equal to my body weight to prevent dehydration(remember the other time that I got so sick and vomited and they thought in the hospital that I have SARS or some thing? I am still paying for it FYI) any way, I am sick and I don't have neither time nor energy for it. You have either made a mistake or, you forbidden, are out of your mind! Sir, I need to recover to do my homework, read my papers, make progress in my research, go to gym and all those fun fitness classes and tomorrow Juge will be 3 month and I want to celebrate it instead of lying in bed all the time. Please take some time and correct your schedule. I think you need to debug your program.



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