Wednesday, September 01, 2004

You know what? world is better than you think. You always get help when you expect it the least. I told you that I don't have money. I thought it is pretty natural for students to be poor and I honestly wasn't expecting the response I got. I had lots of sympathy,even spiritiual hints and above all a friend(I would like to think myself as his friend although I have never met him) actually emailed me that he can lend me 500 dollars. Imagine that! How honest and trustworthy somebody can be so that he can trust other people like that?I mean I am a total stranger to him. Isn't that amazing? I know that money is not supposed to be important but that's a lie. Money is very important to people. One should be really exceptional to offer help like that. I emailed him and thanked him for that but I want to thank him again. Thanx!

...And I have money now. My parents sent me some. So keep your penny jars but don't throw it away. You never know!


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